Please watch the video below

Lesson 8
This month's lesson is all about The Physical Connection and your mind. It's very important to understand exercises role in mental health. In this month's lesson you'll discover some startling reasons for wanting to exercise. It's so important to your life that you won't want to miss this. As always there is no waffle, just straight facts. Then it's up to you. As always it's your choice.
Step 1
The Physical Connection
Listen to the narrated version of this lesson (Recommended) Click Here
The PDF VERSION of this lesson can be found here: Click Here
Step 2
How to develop a strong mentality
Listen to the narrated version of this lesson (Recommended) Click Here
The PDF VERSION of this lesson can be found here: Click Here
Step 3
Below is a link to a powerful hypnosis program designed to help you make exercise something you want to do. It's so important that you understand the role of exercise in its role for mental and physical heath. Let's do this!
Please listen to the following hypnotherapy recording every day until your next lesson.
Simply click the below link and either download it or play from your computer/ phone /tablet. Lie down or sit on your favourite chair, turn off all notifications, pop on your headphones and let me do the work. Don’t worry if you fall asleep it still works.
Exercise mp3 Click Here.
All the best
Steve Norton