How To Remove Anxiety

What is Anxiety?

In simple terms anxiety is the bad habit of focussing on the future you don't want. The anxiety sufferer thinks about events they wouldn't like in the hope that pre-empting them they can either stop or be better prepared for them if they happened. This causes the body to feel tense and anxious making every day tasks more daunting.

The anxiety response is caused by how you think about upcoming events. Our thoughts create how we feel and the anxiety sufferer thinks negatively about the future. The anxiety sufferer lives by "what if" as they worry about what might happen in the future.

hypnosis for anxiety
hypnosis for anxiety
Why does it happen?

Often negative events from our past can triggers fears that it could happen again, so the mind keeps in hyper vigilant mode. It can see every day events as dangerous and becomes overprotective giving us feelings of panic in situations when it is not needed.

If this pattern of thinking happens daily it can become a conditioned response so when you wake up it wakes up with you. In essence you've created a habit of thinking that will trigger daily anxiety sensations randomly throughout the day.

anxiety symptoms
anxiety symptoms
Is the situation permanent ?

Traditional therapy believes it is. They only believe that coping strategies and medication works. Steve on the other hand doesn't treat the symptoms of anxiety but rather the cause. By removing the cause of anxiety the symptoms fade away. The symptoms can't exist without the cause.

Many people contact me feeling deflated after trying conventional therapy without any success. It isn't that people aren't smart enough to understand the therapy. It's the therapy is outdated and has a low success rate. Talk therapy like CBT was created in 1950 and he no place in the modern world. Life today is very different to life back then.

hypnotherapy for panic attacks
hypnotherapy for panic attacks
How can Steve help

Steve offers different solutions for individual people's needs. Depending on severity and finances Steve has options for those on both a higher and lower budget.

Let's say if 10 is the most anxious you can feel and 1 the lowest.

If your anxiety is mild to medium lets say 5 out of 10 Steve recommends the Rapid Anxiety Elimination Program .

Above that Steve recommends the 1-2-1 Mental health Bootcamp

hypnosis for health anxiety
hypnosis for health anxiety